Kettering, Ohio 45429 • (937) 434-1740 • (937) 239-3933 •

Discover Dayton and Cincinnati Cashbook

Our Cash Books have been successful for several years in this community because the coupons within are all from local vendors. Over 300 that provide special offers to encourage your support. There are special offers for the entire family to enjoy. You can save money while helping our local businesses from here to Northern Kentucky continue to serve your needs. You can flip thru the books for special values and carry with you to use anytime. A very great special for a limited time allows your members to receive a sample book to show and take orders so potential purchasers can see the product. If they do not sell or buy the book they have been issued, it is necessary to return it but the opportunity is beneficial. Each book sells for $20 and your profit is $10 and coupons are good until December 1 of 2024. This is a tremendous offer, well worth your consideration.

Our books feature almost 250 local vendors in the area coverage!

Please contact us today to arrange your sale.

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Schairbaum Enterprises • Kettering, Ohio 45429 • (937) 434-1740 • (937) 239-3933 •